Social Media

Paint a Picture with Your Content

November 14th, 2014 | by: SM SOLD | Posted in : Social Media, Real Estate Tips

As we\'re sure you\'ve heard, “Content is King”, has become the new catch-phrase for the marketing industry. Google search has updated its algorithm to search content over tags and people are becoming more interested in the conversation than the bullet points. Yes, this may be true but it has led to a large influx of “blah, blah, blah” branding. Our point is... if you want your content to stand out, you need to tell a story.


Storytelling keeps the reader interested, wanting to learn more, and it can boost your brand and presence. It creates a connection between your company and the consumer because you are sharing and they are interpreting experiences that render a call to action. Branding is telling the story of your company through your voice, expression, and sharing your experiences and journey.


Here\'s a quick guide on how to tell a story:


  1. Create A Setting

    This is the base of your entire story where you set the stage, mood, and context. Create a bridge for your audience to feel like a part of your writing.

  2. Introduce Characters

    Try not to over describe your characters. Minimal, but influential wording can be used to your best advantage.

  3. Create Suspense And Curiosity

    This is where you keep your readers intrigued and wanting to read more. You have already introduced the situation and this is the highlight.

  4. Dissolve Suspense And Curiosity

    You want to prove your point here, whether with facts, data, or charts.

  5. Make An Ending

    Don\'t forget your call to action. Your ending should incite a response to your story. You readers should think that your content is worth sharing and commenting on.


Having these elements gets you on your way to great content. Storytelling is a useful tool when you want to lighten the mood around heavy topics. So don\'t add to the pile of “blah, blah, blah” and story-tell your way to the top!

